
Talking with Ami (Infinity Beauty Concept, Lash Academy & Studio)

Infinity Beauty Concept Marketing101 Web Design Advertising & SEO Content

Talking with Ami (Infinity Beauty Concept, Lash Academy & Studio)


I look at the person in front of me (owner of Infinity Beauty Concept) and as I tell her about small businesses and why I run from one interview to another, with people just as busy, she writes down her appointments, answers customers’ messages, gives a quick phone call, and only after she solves everything, she takes a deep breath, puts her pen and phone down, looks at me with smiling eyes and says:

”Amazing, Manu! Well, what would you like to know? ”

I open up my notebooks, set the phone to record, and tell her directly:


We suddenly burst out laughing and tell her I only have a few questions. It only lasts as long as she wants. She can answer me briefly or tell me her whole story. I am really curious how she managed to set up 3 different businesses in 4 years, to be a present mother and still be so serene.

After a longer chat than I had planned, I realized it was real. Life really beats the movie, and if you decide you want something, you say it out loud, and then you really get to work, your dreams come true. Hint: it’s not magic, it’s work – both in the sun and in the wind, even in the moments when you are at a crossroad, that mark you and keep you still for a while, with the impression that you will never recover from what happened to you.

What’s Infinity Beauty Concept All About?

The good news is that in Amiana’s case, the story has a happy end. And if I’ve met anyone who holds the secrets to the process of total reinvention, I’m convinced that’s her.

By profession, she is an accountant and although she was employed in this field, somehow, she felt that it was not her calling. Today, she runs a beauty salon focused mainly on eyelash extensions (+ sale of professional eyelash products), which also offers make-up services, cosmetics, manicures, hair styling, etc. At the same time, she organizes courses that can help you offer beauty services. But, what do you do if you want to attend one of the courses and you are not from Sibiu? You have access to a modern apartment, conveniently located close to Infinity Lash Academy. For more details, talk to Ami.

Infinity Beauty Concept Marketing101 Web Design Advertising & SEO Content

Let’s move on to the actual interview

Learn what Amiana has to say about being an entrepreneur & what’s her unique perspective on this topic.

Manu: How did you decide to start this business?

Ami: After I gave birth to the little one, I felt I had to do something else (not accounting), and I was always attracted to this area of ​​beauty. I knew I wanted to get eyelash extensions and I was recommended a girl who was very good and who was also a trainer. You know that when you go to the salon, you don’t only receive a specific service but also recommendations and “counseling”, lol.

She suggested I opt for the eyelash extension course. I was a little skeptical because I knew how expensive everything was, and at the time it wasn’t easy at all. But, things happened in such a way (in my personal life), that I had an ambition that brought me to where I am today and I really don’t regret anything!

M: Did you ever think about giving up?

A: Yes, of course. Because of fatigue and stress. That’s it. I wanted the children to be well and to run my business at the same time. I was a mother and a father and an entrepreneur. I didn’t give up because of the children as I needed this source of income. And I did well because what I do gives me stability and is extraordinarily good for me!

M: What is the biggest challenge you face, as an entrepreneur, in your field?

A: Clients. Everything we do is designed for them, and what we offer them is for them. But, we are all people, with many preferences and it is impossible to please everyone. We have a saying at Infinity Beauty Concept – “our clients, our life and our pain”.

M: What do you do on days when you can’t find the motivation for the work you have to do (to keep your business afloat and help it grow)?

A: It doesn’t exist. There is no such thing for me. I wake up with the motivation next to me (the children). And, I really like what I do.

M: What is the most valuable lesson you have learned since you started your own business?

A: Everything you do, in order to last, you have to do it with pleasure and desire, because it shows. If you only do it for money, it shows.

M: What do you consider to be the most notable difference between being an employee or an entrepreneur?

A: I even posted something like this on the internet, an interview between an entrepreneur and an accountant. The entrepreneur asked him “how is it better: to be employed or to open a business?”. The accountant, being very earthy and calculated, told him the pros and cons of each situation. From my point of view, both an accountant and an entrepreneur are good choices. I was also employed and it is extremely difficult to keep a business, but if you put all the puzzle pieces where you need them, then you will do well. When you have your own business, you don’t have free time. Actually, it’s like my third child!

M: How would you characterize your business – Infinity Beauty Concept, in a word (except “quality”)?

A: Passion.

M: What advice would you give to a budding entrepreneur and one who is just starting out?

A: In order to be able to set up a business, you need time and patience. You can focus on money, and manage to do it, at first, but then what do you do? You can get a business to be profitable after a year or two, a time in which you invest money and time. You only build it by putting brick upon brick.

MY CONCLUSION – Support Small Businesses

It was an amazing interview with smiles and serious moments, which gave me an interesting perspective on the status of being an entrepreneur. You can have almost everything you want, but there is no secret formula. You have to be willing to do what it takes. To work, to invest, and when necessary, to rely on professionals, whether we are talking about a course where a qualified trainer teaches you something new or hire a web designer who can make your website from A to Z.

Infinity Beauty Concept Marketing101 Web Design Advertising & SEO Content Support Small Businesses

You can find out more about beauty services or the courses you can attend, here.


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With over 12 years of experience in online marketing, SEO content & web design, I've been pursuing my passion for writing, strategizing, designing, and promoting businesses since college. My Bachelor's degrees in Marketing & Journalism and a Master's degree in Business Administration opened up a world of possibilities. I don't like partial solutions, which is why we build websites & create SEO content, design logos, build a brand's identity and come up with smart advertising campaigns. ~Success. No shortcuts.

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