
Talking with Adriana (Cabinet de Avocatură Adriana Solomon)

Cabinet de Avocatura Adriana Solomon Marketing101

Talking with Adriana (Cabinet de Avocatură Adriana Solomon)


Originally, we were supposed to share the same desk in high school. We did – for about 15 minutes, during which time we started chatting like two old friends, even though we had just met. Soon after, she temporarily moved to another class, but when she returned, I already changed desks and was sharing it with another colleague.

It didn’t matter, because in the 4 years of high school that followed, the first impression she left me at the beginning – didn’t change. A gentle but strong woman with a deep understanding of the world and disarming honesty. On top of all that – an absolute professional.

What should you know about Cabinet de Avocatură Adriana Solomon?

Any legal problem is much easier to solve when you can rely on a dedicated lawyer, who loves their job, is totally dedicated to each case and proposes the most effective solutions, regardless of the specific situation you are in – as the client.

At Cabinet de Avocatură Adriana Solomon you benefit from quality legal assistance in civil, criminal and administrative legal matters. The approach is always strategic, personalized, adapted to the conditions of each legal case.

Let’s get to the interview!

Find out what Adriana thinks about having her own practice.

Manu: How did you decide to start your own law firm?

Adriana: Since high school, I was convinced that I wanted to become a lawyer. During college, I realized that I really liked everything related to civil and criminal law, and during my undergraduate work I saw exactly how to handle matters regarding contracts, so I can say that I found my way easily.

During my internship I learned everything I needed to be able to handle any legal cases, step by step, so that I could carry them out with the best results. I knew what I wanted, and all the steps I took led me towards opening my own law firm.

M: Did you ever think about giving up?

A: No, I have never thought about giving up, no matter the obstacles. I’ve always been confident that I’m in the right place.

M: What is the biggest challenge you face in your field?

A: Clients and the specific nature of each case. As a lawyer, you have to jump from one area to another, from civil to criminal to administrative law, and the legal issues are different depending on the circumstances of each case – that’s in addition to the fact that the legal system is constantly changing.

When you specialize in just one area, you do just that. But when you deal with all legal issues, you have to learn to adapt quickly, research as efficiently as possible and provide solutions that will bring the desired results for each client.

M: What do you do on days when you can’t find the motivation for the work you have to do (to keep your firm afloat and help it grow)?

A: I can’t say that I often have those days, but I motivate myself whenever there is a difficult day and get through whatever it takes to get everything done.

M: What is the most valuable lesson you have learned since you started your own practice?

A: That you are on your own from the moment you step out of school and that most people around you, close or not, will have an opinion about your plans professionally. The important thing is to silence all the background noise and follow your path.

Avocat Adriana Solomon

M: What do you consider to be the most notable difference between being an employee or an entrepreneur (freelancer)?

A: It’s incomparable. As an entrepreneur or freelancer you have a different status, a different financial situation, a different freedom of choice/decision.

M: How would you characterize your profession, in a word?

A: Discipline.

M: What would you advise a freelancer who is just starting out?

A: Don’t focus on money. They need to learn everything about their profession, theoretically, and especially practically, so they can be the best in their field. The money comes later – naturally.

MY CONCLUSION-Support Small Businesses

After talking with Adriana, I realized that nowadays, the commitment and level of professionalism you show in dealing with a client – can influence their life. You can leave your mark on the world in your own unique way by making a positive contribution to the lives of others. Is it hard to be good at what you do? It certainly is. But if you have the conviction that you are on the right path, all the steps you take will get you exactly where you need to be.

Learn more about Cabinet de Avocatură Adriana Solomon – here and here. 

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With over 12 years of experience in online marketing, SEO content & web design, I've been pursuing my passion for writing, strategizing, designing, and promoting businesses since college. My Bachelor's degrees in Marketing & Journalism and a Master's degree in Business Administration opened up a world of possibilities. I don't like partial solutions, which is why we build websites & create SEO content, design logos, build a brand's identity and come up with smart advertising campaigns. ~Success. No shortcuts.

This post has one comment

  1. Avatar of Roxana

    Va îmbrățișez fetele! M-am bucurat sa citesc despre voi și sa va vad!! Mult succes pe mai departe în tot ce v-ati propus!

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