Talking with Carmen (Carmen Popianos-Fine Manufactured Creations)
Before all the craziness that has taken over our lives in recent months, I met an artist – Carmen Popianoș. An entrepreneurial artist who impressed me with the perfection of the creations she presents to her clients. Not a day goes by that I don’t gaze in awe at her paintings, logos, globes – all custom made.
What should you know about Carmen Popianoș – Fine Manufactured Creations?
Although I was nervous when we met, I realized that this was not the case. We had the kind of conversation that you can hear between two old friends who haven’t seen each other in a long time and have some catching up to do. She told me about Carmen Popianoș – Fine Manufactured Creations, a handmade products business that she personally designs, works and perfects.
Carmen is a warm and open person, with whom you can talk about anything without feeling like she has anything to hide. She answered my questions honestly, always with a smile on her face, about what kind of entrepreneur she is, how she found her calling and what motivates her to always create something new and unique.
Let’s get to the interview!
And find out what Carmen thinks about being an entrepreneur.
Manu: How did you decide to start this business?
Carmen: I am a very voluble and creative person, so I studied marketing in college. Although I didn’t work in the field, I think it was the right choice because it has helped me a lot over the years. The handmade business came naturally. Since I was little, my mother taught me to crochet and I was drawn to any project where I could work with my hands, even in the kitchen.
But, I’ve always been a perfectionist, which is why I often laughed with my mother: when we made croissants, I would ruin hers because they weren’t the ideal shape. In my field, that’s not a disadvantage, quite the opposite. If I’m not happy with my creation, I don’t send it to the customer. I look at it from every angle and redo it as many times as necessary until it looks exactly as I imagined.
M: Did you ever think about giving up?
C: No. No way. No, because in my chosen field, there are always new trends, new ideas, and I’m really passionate about what I do.
M: What is the biggest challenge you face, as an entrepreneur, in your field?
C: To always focus on my own creations, instead of recreating products from Pinterest. I can’t say that this is always the case, but I want my original work, the style, the concepts I present to the public to be my main focus on the business side.
M: What do you do on days when you can’t find the motivation for the work you have to do (to keep your business afloat and help it grow)?
C: There are bad days, which I treat as such. When I feel like nothing is going my way, I try to disconnect. I read, go out in nature or rest.
M: What is the most valuable lesson you have learned since you started your own business?
C: It’s very important that your clients know you as a person, no matter what business you run, because they will trust you, even if you change your field. Clients I’ve had in another business also rely on me for handmade products.

M: What do you consider to be the most notable difference between being an employee or an entrepreneur?
C: I have never been employed. But, my father is also a contractor, and when I was a teenager I worked for him and got paid for the work I did (I helped make blinds). What I can say, from an entrepreneur’s point of view, is that it’s much better to be free, to be able to make the choices you want. And, if you have a passion, that’s all you think about. It’s, at least, what I do.
M: How would you characterize your business, in a word (except “quality”)?
C: Thoroughness.
M: What would you advise an entrepreneur who is just starting out?
C: To make sure they are passionate about what they do. Don’t just see money as the goal. It won’t be easy, but be responsible for the choices you make. It’s very important not to copy the work of others, but to be original – to come up with something new.
MY CONCLUSION – Support Small Businesses
After talking with Carmen Popianoș, I came to an interesting conclusion: we are totally responsible for the environment we choose to live and work in. We can go with the flow, allow others and external factors to impose certain limits on us, or we can live the life we want or run our business according to our own rules and principles. Sometimes we just need to learn the power of the word “NO” when something or someone is not right for us.
Learn more About Carmen Popianos – Fine Manufactured Creation – here.
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