
Support for Small Businesses or How We Can Help Entrepreneurs

SupportSmallBusinesses Marketing101

Support for Small Businesses or How We Can Help Entrepreneurs

Support for Small Businesses

Hey! I’m Manuela Dordea, and as long as I can remember, if you asked me what I wanted to be, I would have told you I wanted to be a writer. That’s also the reason why I graduated from The Faculty of Journalism (plus Marketing, both at the same time). My passion for writing guided my steps from my 2nd year of college into the online environment, where I started writing blog posts & news articles for an IT company in the UK.

It’s been 12 years since then, during which time I’ve written tens of thousands of articles for companies and websites all over the world, from industrial valve manufacturers in China, construction companies, travel agencies, to online shops (from prom dresses, dog food & accessories – to eyelash extension products), and the list goes on. In 2016, I wrote a book in collaboration with a Taiwanese marketing agency on how to create an inbound marketing strategy if you have a start-up business in Taiwan.

Today, I work alongside my husband and professional collaborators at Marketing101, a web design, SEO content & online marketing agency.

Marketing101 and #supportsmallbusinesses  

Last year, I started a campaign offering support for small businesses through interviews with entrepreneurs, that become articles – which I write with admiration for those who have ventured into this competitive and adventurous world.

Whether we’re talking about entrepreneurs just starting out or passionate people who have built a business they’ve been working on with love for years, we want to be there for them. Let’s talk about the business itself, but also about the person who made it all possible.

What prompted me to start this campaign?

A year and a half ago, I realized that the world is as we build it, and at the same time, as we want to see it. As an entrepreneur, you can start your day stressed, sighing, and only looking at the empty side of the glass or full of energy, smiling, knowing that you will have a day with good and bad moments – but that it is worth all the effort.

There’s nothing like the feeling of knowing you can make a difference. For me, it’s not about money or gratitude or special offers. Simply put, I want to talk to entrepreneurs who are passionate about what they do and learn as much as I can about them, who they are, what made them make certain choices in life – with the goal of inspiring other entrepreneurs who are just starting out or thinking about becoming entrepreneurs.

What is there to know about #supportsmallbusinesses?

  • We offer support for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and freelancers in all fields.
  • It’s absolutely free. I truly appreciate the time and attention you set aside for me.
  • We schedule interviews together, depending on our individual schedules.
  • Although most conversations take place face-to-face while enjoying a delicious coffee, we can also schedule the interview online (via video call).
  • The interviews, although they flow like a conversation between friends, I turn them into articles, which present the entrepreneur who started the business and include information about the products/services you offer, plus a link to your website, Facebook page, etc.
  • I write the articles and submit them for approval before publishing them on our blog and Facebook page.
  • I want to publish 101 interviews with and about entrepreneurs. Although most days I devote myself to our beloved clients, I’ve reached the point where I can resume interviews for #supportsmallbusinesses.

CONTACT – Schedule Interview

Especially after the year we went through, I missed talking to people who chose this path. Speaking of providing support for small businesses, to find out exactly what an interview entails, you can find all other interviews here.

To schedule an interview, click here or here.

If you have a business or want to start one, the team can help you with an all-in-one solution for your business: a personalized strategy, branding, an amazing & affordable website, SEO content, and online advertising.


With over 12 years of experience in online marketing, SEO content & web design, I've been pursuing my passion for writing, strategizing, designing, and promoting businesses since college. My Bachelor's degrees in Marketing & Journalism and a Master's degree in Business Administration opened up a world of possibilities. I don't like partial solutions, which is why we build websites & create SEO content, design logos, build a brand's identity and come up with smart advertising campaigns. ~Success. No shortcuts.

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Contact Us

We’re more than happy to help your business thrive. It all begins with a short message. Leave us your details & we’ll get in touch!

Connect. Create. Inspire.

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